Hae Nak Hot Tradition

Tradition It is a tradition of mass ordination. or group ordination of the villagers of Non Salao-Non Than, Nong Tum Subdistrict, Phu Khiao District, Chaiyaphum Province It is the ordination ceremony that is different from other places. That is, before the sixth month, the men in the village who have reached the age of 20 must enter the Naga at the same time. and when the day of the ordination Nagas must sit on bamboo poles with poles and carry them. Through the procession, the Nagas are paraded, shaken, shaken, tossed, and paraded around the village according to the provincial sounds of long drums and music. which are both fun and is the practice of patience of the Naga Villagers believe that this Naga parade comparable to the mother of the Naga who gave birth to a child and was in the fire that the mother of the Naga had to endure the heat of the fire. which had to sit on a burning litter beside him all the time for several months. making people who see the tradition of ordination in the village of Non Sala therefore called this tradition “Tradition of the brutal Naga parade” until the present

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